Hoosier Ag News

Indiana’s Harvest: 12 Percent of Corn, 16 Percent of Soybeans Out of the Ground

A hot, dry stretch of weather has helped push Indiana’s harvest schedule ahead. 12 percent of Indiana’s corn for grain and 16 percent of the state’s soybeans have been harvested according to the latest USDA Crop Progress Report. 78 percent of Indiana’s corn has been harvested for sileage.

This week’s harvest percentages represent a jump from five percent for corn and six percent for soybeans. The state’s corn and soybean harvests are well ahead of their respective five-year averages of six percent and five percent.

The national average is 14 percent of U.S. corn and 13 percent of the country’s soybeans are harvested.

Indiana’s corn and soybean crops are both rated at 61 percent good-to-excellent.

In addition, 95 percent of Indiana’s corn is now dented and 67 percent is mature.

For soybeans, 72 percent are dropping leaves.

Indiana’s pastures are rated at 27 percent good-to-excellent, a drop from 31 percent last week.


Source: USDA

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