
Federal appeals court lets porn website age verification mandate go into effect

(95.3 MNC)
A federal appeals court has stayed an injunction that had blocked enforcement of the state’s law requiring age verification for people viewing pornography websites in Indiana.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit says Indiana’s law is “functionally identical” to one in place in Texas that has been in effect since April. Indiana’s law had an effective date of July 1, but a federal judge issued the preliminary injunction to stop enforcement and said the requirements were “likely unconstitutional.”
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita asked for the stay until the U.S. Supreme Court issues a ruling on the Texas law.
“This is a huge win for Hoosier families, ensuring our children can’t easily access explicit material,” Rokita said on X. “We will continue upholding our constitutional duty to defend our laws in court.”
Indiana’s law, which will temporarily take effect as understood by the issuance of the stay, will require you to give driver’s license information or other sensitive information to prove you are 18 in order to look at porn on the Internet.
The law drew some fierce opposition from the adult entertainment industry, especially the parent company of the popular porn website “PornHub”. They argued the law is unenforceable, especially since it would require them to delete the personal information of users once they are verified, but added they could not verify ages without keeping that information on file.
They also said they did not feel comfortable handling said information due to the security implications as it could open up users to their information being compromised by hackers.

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