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Kamala Harris preparing to lead Democrats in 2024

American Flag/ Pixabay.com
Vice President Kamala Harris is now at the forefront of Democratic politics as she is likely to be the party’s nominee for president in the coming weeks.
With her nomination looking more and more likely, there is already a lot of talk of who she may choose as a running mate. A popular that has been circling is Transportation Secretary and former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg.
He appeared with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC on Monday and was asked if he would accept if Harris were to name him as her choice for a running mate. Buttigieg was humbled at the prospect of being vice president but remained non-committal.
“She’s (Harris) going to make that decision. She’s going to do that based on what’s best for the country, what’s best for the party, what’s best for the ticket,” he said. “I will do everything in my power to make sure she is the next president.”
When asked to clarify if he would or wouldn’t accept, Buttigieg urged people not to get ahead of themselves.
“We are just not in that mode right now,” said Buttigieg. “We’re on the second day since the president made his decision, and I trust (Harris) to make the right decision.”
Buttigieg called President Biden’s decision not to seek re-election “historic” in the sense that it can be a hard thing, he believes, to give up the power of the most powerful office in the world. He commends Biden for insisting on serving out the remainder of his term in lieu of many calls from Republicans for him to resign.
With Harris as the new focus of the Democratic ticket, Buttigieg said Americans can expect “consistency” from her as she has been right there with Biden throughout his tenure in the White House, calling Biden’s presidency “the most productive presidency in history.”

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1 comment

Slacker06 July 24, 2024 at 1:10 pm

Kommie Harris is more unqualified to hold any national public office that Joe Biden. She is a communist. Communism is incomparable with Liberty under our Constitution. Voters MUST reject her or be prepared to live as serfs under her jackboot. How odd the party that says they revere “democracy” almost as a cult, decide to outs their guy and install this witch without so much as a single vote.


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