
Opioid settlement fund fuels anti-addiction battle in Indiana

(95.3 MNC)
Indiana is stepping up its fight against addiction with a boost from an opioid settlement fund.
The money comes from a $54 billion 2021 Opioid Settlement Fund created by manufacturers, distributors and retailers to address their role in the nation’s opioid epidemic. Indiana will receive $508 million from the fund over the next several years.
The Hamilton County Board of Commissioners has announced its grantees.
Amy Chaudion, founder of LIFEhouse Recovery for Women Noblesville, is a recipient. She said the grant will help drive her organization.
“This money goes toward helping with our transportation needs,” Chaudion explained. “We run three LIFEhouse vans to get all of the ladies to work, 12-step meetings, therapy, doctors’ appointments and so, this funding helps with the fuel.”
LIFEhouse received $21,000. The organization opened in 2017 and served four women in its first year. Today, LIFEhouse serves up to 24 women. Several other Hamilton County organizations also received funding including: The Recovery Cafe, Delta Mental Health Services, Hamilton County Parks and Recreation, Suburban North Club and JRNY Counseling.
Chaudion noted her nonprofit is committed to making a significant impact on the fight against addiction.
“Our house comes alongside those that are coming from detox centers, prisons, jail, things like that,” Chaudion pointed out. “We give them all the resources they need to overcome the barriers: driving and financial things and helping them get jobs and things like that.”
The announcement of grantees is the first round of awards distributed by the Hamilton County Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs. Chaudion encouraged anyone struggling with addiction to seek help.

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1 comment

RH July 27, 2024 at 8:22 am

Hamilton Co Parks and Recreation? What was their role in helping addicts? I see lawyers and agencies being the beneficiaries of these funds. How will “overseers” of the funds ensure the money is being used for what its intended?? Who oversee the money gained and spent??


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