
Indiana shows 2 percent loss of available farmland
The Indiana State Department of Agriculture found that between 2010 and 2022 the state had lost 2%, or 345,682 acres, of available farmland.
They cite residential home building as the primary factor leading to this loss of land.
The study was conducted in accordance with a law passed in 2023 to determine land changes in Indiana.
Information gathered in the study could be used to impact future legislation and its impact on both residential growth and agricultural land.
Another lost farmland inventory will be taken in 2029.

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1 comment

Slacker06 July 9, 2024 at 1:53 pm

Of course. When I & M covers some of the most rich and productive farmland in the area with solar panels what do you expect. Disaster all around. No one can eat a solar panel, can they? What fools we all are to let the phony green weenies hornswaggle us with their bloviation. Come man, do some thinking and stop letting politicians and activists think for you.


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