
Hoosier reaction to Trump guilty verdicts in so-called hush money trial

By Jnn13 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

Second District Congressman Rudy Yakym issued the following statement after today’s baseless verdict in President Trump’s trial:

“The Rule of Law had a good 235 year run here in America, but Joe Biden killed it in a bogus, Soviet show trial because he is badly losing in the polls to President Trump.

“Biden and the Left’s total lust for power and their assaults on democracy are despicable, and must be defeated at the ballot box in November.

“President Trump has already been acquitted in the court of public opinion. Americans overwhelmingly see this sham witchhunt for the blatant political persecution that it is, and this baseless outcome is only going to help President Trump on his way to winning in November and Making America Great Again.”


Third District Congressman Jim Banks released the following statement on the Democrats’ political prosecution of President Donald Trump:

“It’s a sad day for our country, as Joe Biden and his liberal cronies have advanced their election interference plot. Joe Biden is behind all of this because he knows he can’t beat him at the ballot box. It’s a complete and total SHAM, and it has been since the beginning. Look at the facts: Corrupt DA Alvin Bragg is funded by Biden donors, Judge Juan Merchan donated to Biden and his daughter works for high-profile Democrats, and lead prosecutor Matthew Colangelo was formerly a top official in Biden’s weaponized Department of Justice. There was no way for this to be a fair trial. While these New York jurors may have been willing to play a part in this sham, the American people recognize that these charges amount to nothing more than election interference orchestrated by the Biden administration. I stand with Donald J. Trump, and the American people do too.”

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Candy May 30, 2024 at 8:29 pm

The Republicans in Indiana need to wake up! Trump was guilty and president Biden had nothing to do with Trump being charged in New York,Georgia or any other state that is going after Vonshitshispants for the crimes he committed while in office! Come November every Republican needs to be voted out of office. They think they have the right to dictate what women are doing with their bodies. That’s nobody’s business if a person chooses to have an abortion or take birth control.

RH May 31, 2024 at 8:09 am

This wasnt just a conviction of Trump. It was a conviction of the entire rule of law. The judge, jury, and everyone who faught to make this happen should be ashamed of themselves for politicizing “crimes” that didnt even exist. The jury only taking 1.5 days for a verdict proves that they already had their decisions made before walking into that room. Which juror will be the first to write a book called “I convicted a US President”??? Disgust!

Todd May 31, 2024 at 8:55 am

It seams Candy has been doing tooo much NOSE CANY to realize what’s going on in this country.

Dr Larry May 31, 2024 at 9:11 am

That’s all these people have, LIES! He was convicted in a court. That is law and order.

Charles U Farley May 31, 2024 at 3:21 pm

“Dr” Larry, if you or Candi really believe what you are saying then you obviously have NOT been paying attention to what has been going on (aside from what the TV news and NPR spoon feed you).

I assure you, if a judge and DA did to you what they did to Trump, you’d be screaming bloody murder!

You remind me of the people who were celebrating the Biden fraud in 2020, not realizing that your vote doesn’t count anymore either.

Leigh W June 1, 2024 at 3:25 pm

It is disgraceful that these bogus charges ever made it to court. The judge placing a gag order on Trump, and Trump only, so he could not defend himself while others smeared his name shows how far our justice system has fallen. I stand with Trump!

As a side note to Candy: abortion was not being discussed in this article: your segue was odd.


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