
New bill would change public library funding, limit types of events they can host

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Indiana Republican lawmakers introduced a bill that would drastically change the way public libraries are funded and limit the types of events and activities they can host.
The legislation could also potentially result in decreased funding for library services.
Senate Bill 32, authored by Sens. Jim Tomes (R-Wadesville) and Gary Byrne (R-Byrneville), would eliminate the ability for public libraries to impose property taxes.
Instead, libraries would need to submit their budgets for approval to their local city or county government, in the same way that other municipal departments do.
The proposal comes months after legislation that makes it easier for community members to request removals of books from schools was signed into law.
And libraries across the country have come under fire in recent years for hosting events like drag queen story hours, or for including books in their young adult collections that some people find objectionable.

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1 comment

Charles U Farley January 16, 2024 at 10:25 am

Good! It makes perfect sense to have all of the government revenue raised through the same source. It’s the only way to appropriately adjust resources between libraries and other services like police, fire, or roads.


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