
Woman killed, man arrested after head-on crash on 12th Street in Mishawaka

blue bmw car in a dark room
Photo by Scott Rodgerson

A man has been arrested and charged for a fatal crash in Mishawaka.

A two car crash was reported to police in St. Joseph County just after 5 o’clock in the afternoon on Wednesday, January 3rd.

One of the drivers, Kristen Pritchett, 37, was already dead by the time police arrived. The driver of the other car, Julius James Jr., 22, survived the crash.

Investigators believe James crossed the center line heading westbound on 12th Street and hit Kristen Pritchett head on. After the crash, detectives say James was “extremely relaxed”, and that he and his car had a smelled of weed.

A blood draw revealed James had THC, opiates, and fentanyl in his system.

Julius James Jr. has been charged with causing death when operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a level 4 felony. That means James, if convicted, could get anywhere from 2 to 12 years in jail.

James is being held without bond until his first bail hearing.

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Darla G January 5, 2024 at 12:17 pm

2 – 12 years for murder? Vehicular homicide under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not excusable. It’s still murder.

Shellie January 7, 2024 at 1:51 pm

Ok I do understand about ACCiDENTS. They r situations/ accidents that happened that coulda,shoulda been avoided or one thing lead to another and boom accident.. I know a guy he had a van and he hit and killed a Amish lady riding her bike in the early morning hours so I assumed she was going to work. The guy was coming home and he was 100% drunk. He hit her and being the stand up person he still isn’t he left and went on home. He trys to say he thinks there was a girl with him and she was the one driving and she’s the one who hit and killed her but he don’t remember for sure nor who the girl was smh. To this day he never takes responsibility for any wrong doings in life and lies and says he does good things when he doesn’t. his father quit drinking after that and he use to drink everyday. The guy He got 2¹/2years.smh . Well he went on to get another 3 DUI/ OWI and few public intoxication which I think they should leave ya walking unless ur causing a ruckus . To this day he will have a drink ( might last him all day some days ) and he HAS to have it and gets in his vehicle and drives smh. I told him that’s just wrong. He’s father quit drinking because of his actions and it don’t matter if he’s the limit or not it not soppose to have open container and drink and drive and how morley wrong for HIM to have to have a drinky poo with him and to get behind the wheel when he took someone’s LIFE. He says it wasn’t really a big deal because she was old. I can’t stand him. HE gaslights and is 100% a narcissist. He has an excuse for EVERYTHING, takes no blame or responsibility for ANYTHING.. I don’t believe if this guy was just smoking pot that this woulda happened BECAUSE of the pot. Sober people have accidents. But the other drugs in his system yep those r the RELAXING nodding out drugs. Taking a life while partying drinking and or doing drugs will only cost u 2-12 years of ur life. Smh 😥

Charles U Farley January 5, 2024 at 7:45 pm

That sentence is awfully light. It wasn’t an accident: he knew he had done drugs when he got behind the wheel.

There should be no forgiveness here.

Brandi January 15, 2024 at 9:27 pm

Bro yeah more than 12 my brother is doing 12 for giving someone a lighter that started a fire and he didn’t even deserve it. Its so hard all the way around so many have to hurt


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