
Houchin, Young condemn colleges for “fueling” national anti-Semitism

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There have been growing numbers of protestors on college campuses that have been showing support for Palestinians, and some even directly pushing support for Hamas in the process, say many Republican lawmakers.
Rep. Erin Houchin accuses many students and in some cases faculty at American universities of supporting Hamas, which is the terrorist organization that kicked off the latest war in Israel when they rampaged a music festival in southern Israel, killing hundreds of Israeli citizens.
She said their support of Hamas is fueling a wave of anti-Semitism across the United States.
“With regard to Israel, the mask has finally come off the woke left and situated itself at American universities,” she said on the House floor. “That’s why I am an original sponsor of Rep. Owens’ resolution condemning the support of terrorists at our institutions for higher education.”
Houchin and Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) say that Jewish students are “living in fear” on college campuses because of many universities’ failure to condemn student groups who support Hamas. His resolution condemns anti-Semitic protests on college campuses.
The resolution passed on a voice vote with no one speaking in opposition to the resolution.
In the Senate, lawmakers have also been debating the issue of anti-Semitism across the U.S.
“Those who provide context for savagery. Those who say that both sides are equally guilty. I say to you: you are providing cover to monsters,” said Sen. Todd Young.
Even though House lawmakers voted to condemn anti-Semitism on college campuses, the House also voted to table a resolution that would censure Rep. Rashida Talib, who has been accused in the past of making anti-Semitic remarks.

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