
Nefarious activities in La Porte County high school bathrooms

(Photo Supplied/Pixabay)

Schools across La Porte County say that they’ve had some issues since the start of the school year, especially in bathrooms.

School administrators say that a student was found with body piercing paraphernalia, allegedly performing body piercings inside of a restroom of the high school.

There have also been reports of vaping, social challenges, and fights taking place in the bathroom.

They say that the common denominator for some of the disruptions at school are the restrooms.

The school says that, for privacy reasons, it’s harder for the school administrators to police restrooms.

The schools are encouraging parents to remind students that restrooms are for completing the body’s normal functions, not for settling a disagreement.

They also say that if your student enters the restroom and sees any nefarious activates, they should leave and inform an adult.

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Charles U Farley September 29, 2023 at 8:42 am

This ends when we start expelling the troublemakers again.

Leniency to the troublemakers isn’t fair to the students who actually want to succeed. It ruins their environment and saps resources that could be used to help them thrive.

Thor September 30, 2023 at 1:02 am

Yeah, this isn’t a restroom problem this is a perpetrator problem…also a mental health problem that those in charge are ignoring.


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