
Sen. Young hopes to support gun reform bill, needs to see final plan

(Photo supplied/U.S. Senator Todd Young)

Indiana Senator Todd Young says he hopes to support the gun reform bill being finalized in the Senate.

Young cautions he still needs to see the final language, but he says he’s supportive of plans to help states with so-called red flag laws like Indiana’s. The framework outlined by negotiators a week ago would offer states funding to train courts and prosecutors on how to enforce the laws, which allow family members to request a hearing on whether someone poses a risk of violence and should temporarily surrender any firearms.

Young says he hasn’t seen anything so far that would undermine Second Amendment rights. “I would emphasize you can also undermine Second Amendment rights by failing to act reasonably when a hand is extended by some of your colleagues,” Young says

And Young praises the bill’s proposed spending on mental-health resources as “incredibly bold” and overdue.

Negotiators have indicated the final sticking point has been the so-called boyfriend loophole. You can’t buy a gun if you’ve been convicted of domestic violence, but that only applies if you and the victim were married. Senators trying to close that loophole have been struggling with the wording. Young says he hasn’t seen the wording under discussion, but says some fellow senators have expressed concern about making sure due process rights are protected. He says if senators can’t work it out, it might be better to move ahead with the rest of the bill.

Senators have been hoping to finalize the bill in time for a vote before a two-week recess begins at the end of the week.

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Thomas Hryck June 22, 2022 at 6:18 am

I don’t understand how any more gun laws will prevent criminals from obtaining a weapon. It’s pretty much common knowledge that criminals do not care about any laws. How long has the war on drugs been going on now? More laws helping the LEO’s do their job is what we need. Police, for the most part know who the troublesome people are. If they ” stop and frisk” it becomes harassment though. Chicago recently set down rules to be followed before a foot chase can begin. Let the police do their job without having their hands tied.

robin Phillips June 22, 2022 at 7:11 am

Insteadof crippling the people who are law bidding citizens with more gun control, control the criminals. I agree with Thomas Hryck comments as well.

Akethan June 22, 2022 at 8:36 am

Shall not be infringed by RINOs or anyone else.

Charles U Farley June 22, 2022 at 8:48 am

Treasonous RINO Young was unopposed in his primary, and we are stuck with him for the next 6 years. The Indiana GOP has a lot to answer for by supporting this traitor.

Charles U Farley June 22, 2022 at 8:53 am

Incidentally, Young already voted to pass this as of yesterday along with 13 other RINO snakes.

Nancy Sacha June 22, 2022 at 4:11 pm

Sad! Voted without reading the bill!

Christopher Hall June 22, 2022 at 4:52 pm

We just found out that he hasn’t read the proposal. His own words on WOWO.


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