
BBB offers safe hurricane relief donation tips

(Photo Supplied/The Better Business Bureau)
As Hurricane Helene hits Florida’s Gulf Coast, many communities brace for strong winds and major flooding including parts of Georgia and the Carolinas. For those seeking to help those in need by making charitable contributions, BBB Wise Giving Alliance recommends that donors consider these questions before making a donation:
  1. Can the charity provide fast assistance?  See if the disaster relief charity has an on-the-ground presence in the impacted areas. Unless they already have staff there, it may be difficult to provide quick assistance. Check if their website describes how they can address immediate needs.
  2. Should you provide in-kind assistance? Donating clothing, food or other in-kind donations may not be the best way to help unless the charity has the ability to properly distribute such aid. Ask about their transportation and distribution plans.
  3. Which emergency needs is the charity addressing? Many individuals in flooded areas will seek safety in shelters and need access to food and water. Charities focused on such activities serve a vital role in helping communities address natural disasters.
  4. What about crowdfunding requests? If engaging in crowdfunding, it is safest to give to someone you personally know and trust. Also review the platform’s policies and procedures, keeping in mind that while some crowdfunding sites take significant measures to vet posts, others don’t.
  5. Will there be other opportunities to give?  Keep in mind that each disaster has both immediate and long-term needs. There will be many opportunities to provide help. After a major flood event, clean up activities will likely present a major challenge.
  6. How can you verify the charity’s trustworthiness? Rely on expert opinion when it comes to evaluating a charity. We recommend giving to charities that meet all 20 of the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability found at
The following BBB Accredited Charities (i.e., meet the 20 BBB Standards for Charity Accountability) are engaged in activities to assist Hurricane Helene relief efforts. This list will be updated as additional efforts come to our attention and can be found here.

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