Hoosier Ag News

Harvest Progress for East-Central Indiana Ahead of Pace Compared to Central Part of State

According to the latest report from USDA, 12 percent of Indiana’s corn and 16 percent of the state’s soybeans are already harvested.

Kyle Corbert, Field Sales Representative for Channel Seed, says that those harvest percentages match up with the farmers in his territory across East-Central Indiana. However, he says that harvest progress has lagged a little further behind near his home in the central part of the state.

“In Tipton County, the majority of guys have not hit the fields yet,” according to Colbert. “Now, if you do go in my territory around the New Castle-area, those percentages would be quite a bit more accurate. But as far as my specific county goes, 10 percent would be pushing it. You’ll see harvest percentages [closer to those from USDA] as you go a little bit more south and to the east.”

Colbert also shares how corn and soybean yields have looked across East-Central Indiana. Click BELOW to hear more as part of the Channel Seed Harvest Update.


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