
Banks statement on SCOTUS ruling on Trump immunity

Photo supplied/Representative Jim Banks
Congressman Jim Banks released the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump cannot be prosecuted for official actions taken as president.
“Today’s decision is a massive win for the Constitution and a massive blow to Joe Biden, who would’ve rather prosecuted President Trump than run against him in a fair and honest campaign.
“Corrupt Democrats tried to take American voters out of the 2024 election by twisting the rule of law and weaponizing our justice system. But the Democrats failed. In November, voters will get to decide between four more years of disaster under Joe Biden or returning to the Trump policies that gave us peace abroad and prosperity at home.”

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Harry Hood July 2, 2024 at 1:59 pm

President Bident should wiretap Banks’ campaign office. It’s not illegal if the President does it!

Slacker06 July 2, 2024 at 3:24 pm

It seems that Banks has probably actually read the US Constitution that he swore a sacred oath to uphold. His democrat colleagues never read that document because it establishes a REPUBLIC and the dems think we live in a democracy. What they really want is a MOBOCRACY which is what our founders called a democracy as a form of government. A democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch. A Republic protects the life of the lamb from the wolves.


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