
John Rust remains banned from running for Senate seat

(Photo supplied/John Rust for U.S. Senate)
John Rust remains banned from running for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat in Indiana.
The Indiana Supreme Court upheld the state’s party affiliation law that says candidates must have voted for the party they want to represent in their last two primary votes.
Rust voted in the Republican primary in 2016 and the Democratic primary in 2012, and those were his last two primary votes.
He says his candidacy will eventually be settled by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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1 comment

Slacker06 March 8, 2024 at 3:51 pm

Apparently John Rust has a lot of loose money laying around from his over priced egg sales. I doubt SCOTUS will even take his case because for a few very isolated exceptions STATES have legal control how elections are done under their jurisdiction. His beef is with himself for not being a reliable republican voter. e have enough fake republicans already in congress, the statehouse, and the governor’s chair.


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