
Students speak out against “reproductive justice” lecture guest at St. Mary’s College

(Photo supplied)

Some students protested a lecture guest who spoke at St. Mary’s College on Wednesday night, Feb. 7.

Associate Professor Emily Reimer-Barry from the University of San Diego gave the lecture, titled “Structural Change for Reproductive Justice: Insights from Catholic Feminism.”

According to ABC 57 News, some students said inviting speakers like this contradicts St. Mary’s Catholic views, though the school said the lecture was not a pro-choice event.

The PR director for St. Mary’s College, Lisa Knox, said it is not unusual for Catholic colleges to host academic lectures that allow students to consider complex social issues through a Catholic moral lens.

The acting director of Pro-Choice South Bend, Karen Nemes, explained that reproductive justice is something that affects everyone, making it important for students to learn about it from every angle.

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