
Elkhart County felons appeal to state Supreme Court in effort to get new judge

The Indiana Supreme Court will hear oral arguments, later this month, on whther three Elkhart County felons trying to get their cases overturned should get a new judge.

Pink Robinson was convicted on multiple counts of robbery with a deadly weapon… and Iris Seabolt and Leon Tyson were each convicted of murder. Represented by the same counsel, each filed a post-conviction petition arguing his or her conviction was the result of systemic police and prosecutorial misconduct.

Along with their petitions, they filed motions for a change of judge under the Post-Conviction Rule, stating that Judge Teresa Cataldo, who’s presiding over their cases, has multiple conflicts of interest.

In each case, the Elkhart Superior Court denied the change-of-judge motion, and the Court of Appeals affirmed.

Robinson, Seabolt, and Tyson have now petitioned the Indiana Supreme Court to accept jurisdiction over their appeals. Their cases will be heard on Jan. 25.

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1 comment

Edward Chamberlin January 24, 2024 at 4:52 pm

Judge Cataldo is a Judge that does not give people a second chance she is what known as the Zero tolerance Judge because she will and does send people back to prison for one infraction even after a long struggle to improve their life. Her and the prosecuting attorney Becker go strongly against the mission statement of the Elkhart County work release program It might have been changed in her time. I have met several people from work release. some are back in prison because they were not liked by the authorities


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