
Indiana Michigan Power reminds customers to watch for scams

(Photo supplied/Indiana-Michigan Power)

Indiana Michigan Power is reminding customer to be alert for scams.

November 15 is Utility Scam Awareness Day, and I&M is joining hundreds of electric, water and natural gas companies to raise awareness of common utility scams.

The holidays bring a high-risk time for customers to be targetted, and over 150 reports of scam attempts targeting I&M customers have already been reported in 2023.

They say to watch for scammers who require you to confirm personal data in order to receive an overpayment check.

Scammers may also threaten to disconnect a utility service if a payment is not immediately made, or they may ask for mobile banking or gift card payments. I&M says that if you’re not sure if it’s real, call I&M directly and ask. 

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1 comment

Slacker06 November 15, 2023 at 3:42 pm

I see a scam every time I get an AEP/I&M bill.


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