
Nappanee man sentenced for Kosciusko County arson fires

Photo supplied/Elkhart County Jail

A Nappanne man who admitted setting several barn fires in Elkhart County in 2021 has now pleaded guilty to setting three fires in Kosciusko County.

Joseph Hershberger, 43, was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The sentence will be served concurrently to 50-year sentence he received for barn fires he set in Elkhart County.

Hershberger still faces another count of arson in Marshall County.

Hershberger’s girlfriend, Sherry Thomas, was sentenced to home detention for the Elkhart County fires.
Thomas said Hershberger tried to convince her 11-year-old son to start one of the fires.

Hershberger also faces multiple felony counts in Kosciusko and Marshall Counties.

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1 comment

Gary Schmucker November 7, 2023 at 6:08 pm

At least someone is doing time for the armed robbery and murder of Joe Riegsecker on July 21, 2020. There are many who deserve to join Joseph Hershberger in prison, including some local authorities that covered up a murder to protect their friends and politicians. Elkhart County authorities failed the community. Their dereliction of duty caused these fires and quite a few deaths.


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