
Prop 2 election changes bill heads to Governor Whitmer’s desk

(95.3 MNC)

Prop 2 is headed to Governor Whitmer’s desk.

It’s a bundle of detail-oriented bills that would change some election measures.

Prop 2, or ‘Promote the Vote,’ includes measures such as expending elections to nine days of early in-person voting, requiting state-funded absentee ballot drop boxes and state-funded postage for absentee ballots, allowing voters to automatically receive absentee ballots for every election, and allowing voters to verify their identity either through a photo ID or a signed statement.

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1 comment

Charles U Farley June 29, 2023 at 2:56 pm

This is just more voting fraud enshrined into law.

Remember, not only was MI the site of the poll cheaters blocking windows so observers couldn’t see the fraud, but Michigan AG Dana Nessel threatened legal action against anyone who questioned the election. It’s no surprise that the left is now making the fraud permanent.


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