
Governor Holcomb among the many Republicans criticizing President Biden’s COVID-19 plan

(Photo supplied/State Of Indiana)

Governor Holcomb is joining a chorus of Republicans criticizing President Biden’s COVID-19 plan as overreach, and says there’s likely to be a lawsuit.

Holcomb says he’s still reviewing other parts of Biden’s six-point plan for bringing the coronavirus pandemic under control. But he says his “jaw dropped” at the use of workplace safety regulations to order businesses with more than 100 employees to require their employees to either get vaccinated, or get tested for the virus every week. The governor says he fully supports businesses who make their own decision to require the vaccine, but says it’s “a bridge too far” for the state or federal government to mandate it.

Holcomb contends the plan is not only bad policy but illegal. He predicts several states will challenge it in court, and says he expects to talk with Attorney General Todd Rokita, who’s also slammed the requirement, about whether Indiana should be one of them.

Holcomb says he’s “pleading” with Hoosiers to get vaccinated on their own accord. He says it’s “heartbreaking” to see the rising death toll from an illness that’s now largely preventable. 91-percent of Hoosiers hospitalized for COVID-19 last week, and 84-percent of cases overall, were unvaccinated. Fewer than two-hundredths-of-a-percent of fully vaccinated Hoosiers have been hospitalized with the virus.

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1 comment

Slacker06 September 11, 2021 at 12:16 pm

Adopf Holcomb criticizes Dopey King Xo the Moronic mandate plan as he sucks up federal money by keeping the emergency declarations in place. What a phony.


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