
Director of proposed South Bend abortion clinic accused of violating Indiana law

(Photo supplied/Whole Woman's Health Alliance)

Indiana Right To Life officials are accusing the director of a proposed abortion clinic in South Bend of not following the state’s abortion reporting rules.

Specifically, the vice president of policy enforcement for Indiana Right to Life, Cathie Humbarger, says Doctor Jeffrey Glazer did not comply with a state law that aims to protect girls younger than 16 from sex abuse by requiring reporting of procedures within three days.

It’s a law that went into effect in July 2017 and updates a previous law that required reporting for girls under 14.

The nonprofit behind the clinic, Whole Woman’s Health Alliance, is appealing the denial of its license application for the clinic on Lincolnway West. The company’s founder tells the South Bend Tribune that Indiana Right to Life’s campaign is an “intimidation tactic.”

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Paul June 21, 2018 at 10:01 am

EVERY abortion violates GOD’s Law!!!

Rob James June 23, 2018 at 9:51 pm

You know, Paul, before you say that, you should reread the story of Joshua and the House of Israel moving across Canaan towards the Holy Land. The ‘Creator of all Things’ told them to kill all living things. Spare no one. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very much against abortion. Not because it is God’s Law, but because an innocent life is being destroyed. Try to understand what God tells us, before you tell us what God wants. Just saying….


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